The Dacians lived in fortified cities called Dava and in fortified settlements scattered throughout the territory of the Kingdom of Dacia. Historians have counted over 210 settlements.
The capital of the Kingdom of Dacia during the reign of King Burebista was located in Argedava.
The photo on the certificate represents the reproduction of a Dacian fortification.

In order to obtain the certificate,  are required QSO's performed since 1 January 2000, the date of establishment PRO-CW-CLUB.

QSOs are required with stations whose last letter in the suffix of the callsign corresponds to the letters:
D A C I A E   F O R T I F I C A T I O N E S   L I B E L L U M
A total of  29 QSO with stations in European countries only, of which at least 5 in YO.

In order to obtain this certificate, you must have received Dacia Regnum and Burebista certificate.

All modes and bands is allowed.
Special notification for the certificate obtained with QSO's only in CW.
Do not count QSO’s via repeaters, echo-link, satelite or cross-band.

This award is FREE of charge for all applicants.
For other informations see chapter  "General Rules"

Applications to:

The certificate will be issued electronically to your e-mail address.

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